
Microsoft minesweeper achievement guide
Microsoft minesweeper achievement guide

microsoft minesweeper achievement guide microsoft minesweeper achievement guide

There's also a 'custom' option, shown above right - don't worry, the mine positions shown in the diagram aren't actually where mines are being placed, they're simply there to give you a flavour of how densely packed you're making the minefield! Three grid sizes are included, nicely pitched for a one minute, five minute or fifteen minute game, depending on your mental dexterity, of course. I'm guessing the latter makes more of the 'mines hidden under the earth' concept and at least there's no chance of you actually blowing your leg off by digging your spade into a real garden, err. There are two themes included: Classic and err. You surely need no introduction to Minesweeper, something of a Microsoft 'first', back in the day? It has prevailed on most versions of Windows through the years and, decades later, it pops up on Windows Phone! Plus, it's Xbox Live-enabled, so you get to win some pretty easy gamer points - again, all for free. In a sense, there's little point in reviewing something which everyone can grab for free anyway - but this is an official Microsoft Studios title, and this is Minesweeper, always one of my favourite casual 'logic' games, so it's worth a look through, if only to entice you to grab it now and try for yourself.

Microsoft minesweeper achievement guide